Plot summary: A young celestial wizard, Lucy Heartfilia, travels to the land of Fiore to join the magical Fairy Tail. Along the way, she meets Natsu Dragneel, a teenage boy looking for a dragon named Igneel, with his best friend, Happy. Shortly after their meeting, Lucy is abducted by Bora of Prominence, who was posing as Salamander of Fairy Tail, to be sold as a slave. Natsu rescues her and reveals that he is the real Salamander and has the skills of a Dragon Slayer. He offers her membership into the guild, which she accepts, and they become a team performing various missions for the Fairy Tail guild
Character: Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel & Happy.
Anime : The anime adaptation premiered on October 12, 2009. It is co-produced between A- 1 Pictures and Satelight. From episode 1 through 11, the opening theme song is "Snow Fairy", performed by Funkist, while the ending theme song, "Kanpekigu-no ne", is performed by Watari Roka Hashiritai. The opening theme for episodes 12 through 24 is "S.O.W (Sense of Wonder)", performed by Idoling!!! and the ending theme is "Tsuioku Merry-Go-Round", performed by Onelifecrew. From episode 25 and on, the opening theme is "Ft.", performed by Funkist, while the ending theme is "Gomen ne Watashi", performed by Shiho Nanba. The first character song single, featuring Natsu and Gray, was released on February 17, while the second single, featuring Lucy and Happy, was released on March 3.
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