Plot summary: Three high school students, Ichimatsu Matsuri, Takezō Sangubashi, and Koume Haruno, all seem to have zero luck when it comes to girls. One day a messenger named Karmina reveals that one of them is actually the prince of the star Polaris. Also, the prince had a spell cast on him at birth making it so that he'll never be loved by women in order to keep him from assimilating into society on Earth. However, there are twelve girls who are named after constellations that are immune to the spell. The three students must then figure out which one of them is the prince so that he can marry one of the twelve girls and take over the throne in order to prevent Polaris' light from going out.
Character: Ichimatsu Matsuri, Takezō Sangubashi, Koume Haruno & Kyouno Utamaru.
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